Current Affairs & Updates
Some Good COVID-19 News: The Malaysians Rallying Behind Frontliners
Individuals and businesses have realigned their purpose and turned to producing essential items needed by the medical community and other frontliners during the COVID-19 outbreak.First Edition: Introducing ZafigoZine
Staying home is absolutely necessary right now, but it doesn't come easy for some. To help keep your wanderlust alive, here's the first edition of ZafigoZine, a bite-sized compilation of helpful ideas and suggestions on how you can keep from going stir-crazy while in quarantine.COVID-19 Vs Travel: The News You Need To Know
Here’s what’s going on around the world while we’re all doing our part staying home.Recap Of Hello Zafigo: Travel In The Time Of COVID-19
A recap of Marina Mahathir's conversation with Dr Sakia Haque of Bangladesh and Xyza Cruz Bacani of the Philippines, who shared their experiences and thoughts on being up close with COVID-19.Hello Zafigo Session #1: Travel In The Time Of COVID-19
Join Marina Mahathir, Dr. Sakia Haque and Xyza Cruz Bacani this 3rd April 2020 as they talk about the current COVID-19 situation in their respective countries, and discuss how the pandemic is affecting them on personal, social, and occupational levels.Host Remote Movie Nights With Your Friends Across The Globe
With the Netflix Chrome extension, you and your friends can watch movies and TV shows together, and all without breaking the self-isolation or social distancing orders.Building Homes For 17 Orang Asli Families In 3 Days
In collaboration with the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, EPIC Homes has launched a community service initiative called Malaysian Women Unite, which aims to highlight the importance and need for a healthier and more sustainable society.Know Your Terms: A Handy COVID-19 Glossary
A lot of names, terms, as well as health and medical jargons related to COVID-19 have been thrown about in the news and in conversations, leaving many of us confused. To help everyone keep on top of the pandemic, here are some of the more common terms going around, broken down for the everyday person.Silver Lining In Domestic Tourism Amid COVID-19 Cloud
With the newly-announced 2020 Economic Stimulus Package, Malaysians can look forward to several incentives that would make domestic travel more accessible.COVID-19 Update: Should You Be Travelling Right Now?
With each day bringing more news of fresh COVID-19 cases, is it still okay to travel right now or is it time to cancel travel plans in its entirety? Here’s what you need to know before you go onwards ahead on your journey.Souvenir Passport Stamps: Cute Novelty Or Potential Travel Nightmare?
Whether you’re a frequent traveller or an occasional one, you’ll likely run into an offer for a souvenir passport stamp one day. Here's why you probably should avoid accepting this, at least, not in your actual passport.Langkawi, Malaysia To Waive Hotel Room Fees For 6 Months
Effective 4th March 2020, the Kedah state government has agreed to waive hotel room fees for all hotels in Langkawi in an initiative to boost the tourism sector in the state.