As a digital nomad, you can explore the world while keeping up with your career. You can live anywhere as long as there’s reliable access to the internet and other amenities for remote work. While it’s a dream work-life balance for many, only a few achieve it.

But despite the advantages of remote work, staying fit can sometimes be a challenge, especially when moving between destinations. If you’re dealing with this particular conundrum and wondering how to improve your health, here are some tips to help you get started.

1. Incorporate exercising as part of your day

Staying fit as a digital nomad is easier than ever with our helpful tips!
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Your daily routine should include time for exercise, work, and relaxation. Scheduling your workouts also helps prepare your mindset. Knowing there’s time to relax after your day job and gym session can help you allocate your day’s activity more effectively.

You can explore various forms of workouts, such as jogging, swimming, yoga, or even dancing. These are also practical online exercises catered for those with limited spaces, so whether you’re on a beach house patio in Ko Pha Ngan or a serviced apartment in Kuala Lumpur, there’s always a way to keep your heart rate up.

If your concern is time, there are workouts you can complete in a short time. For example, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is well-suited to a digital nomad’s lifestyle as it takes only a few minutes.

Your HIIT routine can include activities like bodyweight exercises, jump rope, or kettlebell workouts. Additionally, apps are available to help you plan a HIIT routine if you’ve never tried one.

2. Create a flexible fitness routine

Staying fit as a digital nomad is easier than ever with our helpful tips!
Image by benzoix.

To create a flexible routine, include exercises that require no equipment. Examples are bodyweight movements like push-ups, squats, planks, burpees, and lunges.

Another strategy is to integrate exercises into your daily routine. For desk-bound remote work, consider exercises like chair squats, seated bicycle crunches, and calf raises.

Maintain a versatile fitness schedule that accommodates different time zones and changing circumstances. This ensures you don’t skip workouts due to jet lag or unforeseen work demands.

3. Pack portable fitness gear

Staying fit as a digital nomad is easier than ever with our helpful tips!
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Invest in portable fitness gear you can take to every destination, which may include collapsible dumbbells, a jump rope, and TRX straps. Since they are lightweight, they won’t take up too much room in your luggage.

Also, do some research before heading to your destination to decide on the types of equipment you may or may not need. Opt for ones that are low-maintenance to avoid missing workout sessions, too.

4. Be conscious of your nutrition

Staying fit as a digital nomad is easier than ever with our helpful tips!
Image by olivie_strauss.

Because you require energy during your workouts, it’s essential to be mindful of your eating habits. While travel often involves sampling local cuisine, try opting for meals rich in vegetables, fruits, and lean protein.

Keep portion control in mind and try your best to avoid overeating junk food, if at all. Given that the digital nomad lifestyle often involves excursions to local attractions, it’s a good practice to pack healthy snacks such as nuts, dried fruits, and protein bars to help curb unhealthy cravings.

5. Join a local gym or fitness class

Staying fit as a digital nomad is easier than ever with our helpful tips!
Image by senivpetro.

Many cities and towns have gyms or fitness studios. Ask about drop-in rates or short-term memberships if you plan on staying in the area for a few days or months. Plus, they often have group classes, allowing you to connect with like-minded individuals and workout in a group setting!

6. Prioritise active exploration

Staying fit as a digital nomad is easier than ever with our helpful tips!
Image by odua.

Consider actively exploring your new surroundings if the gym isn’t your preferred setting. While passive activities like visiting museums, sightseeing, going to a zoo, or attending sporting events can be enjoyable, most of your itinerary should involve active exploration.

For example, take a walk, hike a nearby mountain, or ride a bike. Booking local tours can also introduce you to fellow digital nomads seeking ways to stay active.

7. Use technology to your advantage

Staying fit as a digital nomad is easier than ever with our helpful tips!
Image by asiandelight.

If keeping up with your fitness routine seems nearly impossible, consider using fitness apps to guide you on when to exercise and recommend activities that align with your fitness goals.

Additionally, you can use a fitness or nutrition app to track your calorie intake and receive suggestions for healthy recipes. If you need motivation, YouTube offers a plethora of guided workout videos that you can follow from the comfort of your home.

Staying fit as a digital nomad is easier than ever with our helpful tips!
Image by Lifestylememory.

Consistency is the key to any fitness journey, even for digital nomads. Whether you opt for multiple short workouts or a single high-intensity session each day, staying active is crucial.

Physical activity brings plenty of benefits––enhancing your overall health, improving sleep quality, and aiding in stress management. And exploring your new destination by foot or bike allows you to experience it more intimately.
