Photo by Roman Synkevych via Unsplash

Travelling to different countries and experiencing different cultures to learn about them are valuable encounters. Whether it’s by a road trip, hike, weekend getaway, or long-distance, travel is sure to help you build wonderful memories. There are, however, some ways to connect with locals on a deeper level. Here are some ways you can further enrich your travel adventures:


Look for volunteering projects where you can connect with communities and people. To get started volunteering abroad, you can explore short-term projects online. It enriches your travel experience and enriches you with new skills. If you’re an animal-lover, join an animal care programme. You can also volunteer to teach children, build homes, or build schools – just choose an area you’re passionate about and lend a helping hand.

Photo by Oanh MJ via Unsplash

Choose homestays or hostels

You get better insight into the lives of the locals and their culture when you pick a homestay. They’re comfortable and make you feel as though you’re at home. Hotels definitely won’t give you the cosy and personalised feeling of a homestay. These are also affordable options with all the facilities you would find in a hotel. You get to meet and connect with new people as your hosts will likely take very good care of you. There’s also the high chance you’ll meet other like-minded travellers and make new friends.

The regions of South Asia and Southeast Asia are traditionalist spots; learning social norms will keep you from potentially upsetting the locals. Read this ? Cultural Etiquettes When Travelling Within South And Southeast Asia
Photo by Dan Freeman via Unsplash

Take self-guided tours

Discover hidden gems and explore them with self-guided tours to boost your travel experience. You’ll get to take your time to better understand and learn about the history of the places you’re visiting since you’re the one running your itinerary. Who knows? You may even spot a friendly local who’ll share a story or two with you about living in a heritage site.

Eat at local street markets

Visit local markets and enjoy street food. This is the best way to enjoy the local cuisine. Opt for organic farms and local grocery stores instead of always dining in restaurants. You can attend local cooking workshops too to understand local cuisine better.

Photo by Quan Nguyen vis Unsplash

Quit complaining

Life is different everywhere you go. Be patient, respectful, and accepting of cultural norms that differ from what you’re used to at home and it’ll open up a world of new things to discover. You will learn a different perspective about life and broaden your knowledge as locals will be more open to sharing their culture with you – someone who’s being the best guest they can be.

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