6 Years, 67 Countries, 62,000 KMs, 5 Continents, 1 Girl – What I’ve Learned Cycling The World [VIDEO]
Cycling solo around the world, especially as a woman, Jin Jeong has done what was deemed impossible, learning countless lessons along the way.
Women, Wanderlust & Wellbeing – What Travel Does To You [VIDEO]
An author and international expert on women and children in tourism, Dr Catheryn shares valuable insight into the significance of travel in a woman’s life.
Amazing Smartphone Photography [VIDEO]
Brendan offers practical information about how to use a tool we’re all familiar with – the smartphone – to best convey the visual stories we wish to tell.
Overcoming Expectations & Barriers On Women And Telling Their Stories [VIDEO]
An incurable travel addict, storyteller and a Travel and Documentary photographer, Deepti shares anecdotes of the women she met on her travels.
Hitchhiking From Sweden To Malaysia – Of Money, Men And Misconceptions [VIDEO]
Petrina shares what it was like sleeping at petrol stations, escaping indecent drivers, and learning to depend on the kindness of strangers.
Turkey, Turkish Delights, Menstrual Cycles [VIDEO]
Elif shares her experience in growing up in a country in conflict and explains how travel makes you question everything you have been taught.
Getting The Frog Out From Under The Coconut [VIDEO]
Founder of Zafigo and ZafigoX, Marina Mahathir, shares her experiences travelling and how it has changed her view of herself and the world.
13 Must Visits For Every Foodie When in Kuantan, Malaysia
Looking to go on a food hunt? There are a number of surprising gems in Kuantan worth your while.
5 Ways To Make Friends When You Move To A New City
Making new adult friendships is definitely no playground.
Travel Tech Everyone Needs (And We’re Not Talking About A Selfie Stick)
These new travel tech finds don’t just sound cool, they’re actually pretty genius in solving issues travellers commonly face!
Air Vistara Launches Woman Flyer Programme For Safer Female Travels
The airline aims to better serve and protect solo female passengers.
An Unconventional Family Retreat To Chiang Mai, Thailand
Chiang Mai is well known for its pagodas and temples, but we decided to skip those...