
Marina Mahathir’s Guide To The Best Reads: My 10 Favourite Books

, June 29, 2021
From epic journeys in the Caucasus Mountains to 16th century redemption, Zafigo’s Founder, Marina Mahathir, shares with us which 10 books she’s currently loving and why.

Let’s Get Digital: 6 Ways To Virtually Explore Asia

, June 28, 2021
With international travel still some ways away for most of us, here are a few ideas to help you scratch that travel itch – by virtually exploring Asia as she slowly opens up. Think of it as future travel inspo.

Pandemic-Free Holidays Will Happen… At The Edge Of Outer Space!

, June 28, 2021
There’s no better place than the edge of outer space if you’re looking to go on a holiday that’s guaranteed to be free of COVID-19.

12 Unique Cafe Storefronts You Have To See Around Asia

, June 28, 2021
What if we travelled around the world by taking pictures of cafe storefronts like how we would collect passport stamps? Here are 12 instagrammable cafes from around Asia that we love.

Will Langkawi Reopen? Asian Region Remains Worst-Hit By Pandemic

, June 25, 2021
It looks like Asia’s the first in and last out when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic. But with vaccinations ramping up, its eventual reopening is on the horizon.

13 Beautiful Stationery Stores In Malaysia

, June 25, 2021
Curated by a stationery addict who is a sucker for packaging, here’s a list of beautiful stores around Malaysia that offers more than pen and paper!

Mystery Trips: The Contiki Travel Experience You Never Knew Existed

, June 24, 2021
Are you a young traveller itching to explore the world again? Well, the Contiki Travel Lounge has something tailor-made just for you – mystery trips with unreal discounts!

The World With… Nicol David

, June 24, 2021
Jet-setting across the globe for squash has given the former world number one, Nicol David, many unique opportunities to see the world. From glass courts overlooking Shanghai’s Bund to playing amidst Egypt’s pyramids, she shares her favourite destinations in and out of Malaysia with us.

Zafigo’s Take On The Hot Vaxxed Summer & Why You Should Look Forward To It

, June 23, 2021
We’re hopeful for a smooth road to recovery for Malaysia – especially when it comes to travel. Here’s what we have to say and our take on enjoying a hot vaxxed summer.

Help Malaysia’s Zoos: Virtual Tours Worth Taking

, June 23, 2021
We reckon that the crocs over at the Melaka Crocodile and Recreational Park are the only buayas worth dating. Plus, it’ll help save Malaysia’s zoos!

COVID-19 In India: The Battle We Weren’t Ready For

, June 22, 2021
When there are bad things happening all around us, it's easy to think that it'll never happen to us - especially when it comes to COVID-19. But that hopefulness can quickly turn into hopelessness when you realise the deadly disease has morphed into something else entirely. Sadly, what you see and read in the news…

Been Vaccinated? You Might Be Able To Travel Sooner Than You Think

, June 22, 2021
The government is considering relaxing travel restrictions for those who are fully vaccinated and introducing the use of vaccine passports once herd immunity is achieved.