Stopping Animal Cruelty In Its Tracks
If it involves animal shows and performances, there’s a red flag there right away. Animals should not be made to perform.
A Magical 30th Birthday Weekend In Puerto Princesa, Philippines
Puerto Princesa gave me four days of adventure, and the chance to soak up some city life.
A Digital Nomad’s Guide To Bali, Indonesia
Having worked and stayed in Bali for around six months, here's what a digital nomad has to say about the popular island.
Naughty And Nice – Getting Around Amsterdam, The Netherlands
More than just for naughty nights out, Amsterdam is a melting pot of culture, known for its artistic heritage, signature architecture, and sophisticated canal system.
In Memoriam: Nelleisa Omar
I’ve known you before your fight began, and even when faced with the worst and most troubling times ahead, that never changed who you truly were.
8 Bioluminescent Bays And Beaches That’ll Leave You Spellbound
Here are some of the best places to find and experience bioluminescent beaches. Good news; there's even one in Malaysia.
7 Restaurants To Have ‘Buka Puasa’ This Ramadan
Check out some of these places for a fulfilling buka puasa (breaking of fast) meal with your family and friends this Ramadan.
5 Tips For Women Visiting Afghanistan
A few quick tips for women seriously considering visiting Afghanistan, to spare you from unpleasant surprises.
Clearing The Earth After A Quake
Many places advised that ‘volunteers with little or no skills’ should not flock to Nepal to help as they might be more of a hindrance and use up precious resources.
How To Cut Costs Now To Travel Later
Most of us can’t afford to quit our day jobs for a life on the road, but that doesn’t mean we can’t explore the world.
6 Buddhist Temples To Visit On Wesak Day In Malaysia
We’ve listed six well-known temples in Malaysia that Buddhist devotees can go to join in on the Wesak Day celebrations.
Ramadan Bazaar Staples In Klang Valley To Try
Visiting a Ramadan Bazaar for the first time?