
Hello Zafigo Session #10 | Creative Destinations: Travelling Through Journalling & Art

, October 22, 2020
Come fuel your creative juices with urban sketcher, Gladys Teo-Simpson and destination wedding photographer Jane Lee, happening this 31 October.

Op-Ed: The (In)Humanities Of Malaysia’s CMCO 2.0, From Privilege To Poverty

, October 22, 2020
Zafigo editor, Eliza Thomas, shares her thoughts on privileges, generosities, and the importance of looking out for each other during CMCO 2.0.

Hello Zafigo Recap: Perseverance Is Key

, October 21, 2020
What do you get when you have a visually-impaired Assistant Professor of Bioengineering, and a national para-athlete on a show together? Inspiring stories that’ll make your heart full, and hopefully, be an advocate for accessible tourism for all.

Zafigo Loves: The Team’s Fave ‘Horror’ Flicks

, October 21, 2020
Suspense, emotion, gore, and thrill – these films have it all! Add these favourites to your Halloween movie list.

Frequently Asked Questions of the CMCO 2.0 SOPs

, October 20, 2020
With there still being a lot of confusion as to what we can and can’t do this CMCO, we’ve come up with a list of FAQs, so you don’t accidentally find yourself slapped with a hefty fine.

6 Coolest Ice Cream Spots To Hit In KL

, October 20, 2020
Satiate your need for sugar while cooling down with our top picks for the coolest (and most indulgent) ice cream spots in Kuala Lumpur.

Motherhood & Travelling During A Pandemic: Mynn Lee of She Walks the World

, October 19, 2020
Meet travel blogger and mum Mynn Lee and find out how she’s navigating her travels during the pandemic!

12 Shows That You Should Watch During CMCO 2.0

, October 19, 2020
Get dinner delivered and your popcorn popping, stay in, and binge-watch these shows during CMCO 2.0!

CMCO 2.0: Dos and Don’ts (13 October)

, October 14, 2020
Everything you need to know about the standard operating procedures during the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO).

ZafigoX 2019 Recap: Doing Your Part For The World You Travel

, October 14, 2020
The world gives you so much as a traveller, but what are you doing to give back

#MalaysiansBoleh: 5 Women Who Started Their Businesses During A Pandemic

, October 13, 2020
The pandemic was an opportunity for these boss babes to turn their passions into a side income. Read on to find out how they did it.