It’s hot, it’s humid, and Malaysians are finally getting vaccinated – just in time to enjoy a hot vaxxed summer (as if it isn’t summer all year round anyway #panasgiler).
What is a ‘hot vaxxed summer’ anyway?
The term is actually a play on words from a trending term ‘hot girl summer’ made popular by American rapper Megan Thee Stallion. In a nutshell, the original phrase relates to living your best life, being unapologetic and liberated from the shackles of gender conformity. Whereas for hot vaxxed summer, it means to be vaccinated and able to make up for the lost time to enjoy life akin to how it used to be pre-pandemic.
What does it mean to enjoy a hot vaxxed summer?

The West uses the namesake of hot girl summer to mean being able to go out and party, indulge in unbridled hedonism, or date with the safety of being vaccinated. Meanwhile, for us Malaysians, not many have the luxury of enjoying that as of yet. So, how should we do it? For starters, we can approach it in a similar concept, but instead of focusing on dating and party life, we can make use of our newfound freedom to reconnect with lost time and loved ones. That can mean finally being able to travel interstate, or for those who are still waiting on their vaccine appointment and want to do their part to flatten the curve, being able to enjoy life even while staying in.
Where can I enjoy a hot vaxxed summer?

With the world slowly reopening and various travel bubbles being implemented all over, it’s no doubt that Malaysians are itching to be able to start packing their luggage and hop on the next flight out. Phuket’s opening her borders and so will Bali – but will we have the chance to travel anytime soon?
Well, the Malaysian government had announced the possibility of Malaysians going on domestic travels again come October if the COVID-19 situation is under control as per the National Recovery Plan. However, that day might come sooner for those who’ve received their double doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. There’s even news that Singapore is in talks to establish a travel bubble with Malaysia. Hopefully, we reach herd immunity soon so that Malaysia also qualifies for a vaccine passport!
What can I expect from Zafigo?

After months of staying cooped up in our homes, our travel itch has only become increasingly difficult to scratch, and many of us are pining for the time where we will be able to land in another city.
In the meantime, you can arm yourself with useful tips and tricks with Zafigo’s city guides, which will definitely be useful for planning that long-overdue road trip back to your hometown. Or stay updated with the latest news and travel trends with Zafigo’s daily travel news updates. Hopefully, things will take a turn for the better in anticipation of our country’s eventual reopening. As for us, Zafigo will continue to share relevant information to help you enjoy your best hot vaxxed summer after a year of lost time!