It Was Tough, It Hurt, But I Did It, And It Made Me Feel Good [VIDEO]
It Was Tough, It Hurt, But I Did It, And It Made Me Feel Good Moderated by Marina Mahathir With Manal al-Sharif, Nelleisa Omar and Hazleen Panayiotou Filmed August 2017 at ZafigoX There are different ways to travel. Some people want the most convenient and comfortable way to travel, while some want more from the…Sexual Harassment While Travelling – The Reality & How To Overcome It [VIDEO]
When visiting some countries, sexual harassment is a hazard that every woman traveller needs to be prepared for.Travel & Making A Positive Impact [VIDEO]
Travel & Making A Positive Impact Moderated by Sumitra Selvaraj With Deepti Asthana, Deborah Chan and Jacqueline Fong Filmed August 2017 at ZafigoX Travel need not be just about satisfying one's wanderlust; it also has the potential to benefit local communities. Beyond the economic benefits of bringing foreign currency into a local economy, travellers can impact people…Women & Independent Travel – The Greatest Challenges [VIDEO]
Women & Independent Travel – The Greatest Challenges & Why We Should Do It Anyway Moderated by Anita Ahmad With Dr Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore, Kelly Lewis and Chrys Tan Filmed August 2017 at ZafigoX There was a time not too long ago where women rarely travelled on their own. But as women joined the workforce and…Drive Your Own Destiny [VIDEO]
Manal tells her story of hope and overcoming your own fears to stand up to a Kingdom of men, intimidation, oppression and self-doubt.When You Think Cancer Stops You From Life [VIDEO]
Listen to Nelleisa's journey of self-discovery on achieving what cancer warriors and survivors can do even when others say otherwise.How I Built A Business In Travel [VIDEO]
The inspirational story of how one woman's love of travel turned into several travel-related businesses.In Pursuit Of Happiness – Why I Left Singapore To Become A Digital Nomad [VIDEO]
Ever wanted to travel and make money at the same time? For digital nomad Chrys Tan, working on the road is her way of life.Stepping Up & Moving Out – What It Takes To Make A Difference [VIDEO]
Deborah offers a glimpse into a pivotal event in the ghettos of New York that rocked the world and shaped her perspective on life.6 Years, 67 Countries, 62,000 KMs, 5 Continents, 1 Girl – What I’ve Learned Cycling The World [VIDEO]
Cycling solo around the world, especially as a woman, Jin Jeong has done what was deemed impossible, learning countless lessons along the way.Women, Wanderlust & Wellbeing – What Travel Does To You [VIDEO]
An author and international expert on women and children in tourism, Dr Catheryn shares valuable insight into the significance of travel in a woman’s life.Amazing Smartphone Photography [VIDEO]
Brendan offers practical information about how to use a tool we’re all familiar with – the smartphone – to best convey the visual stories we wish to tell.