
Why Your Vacation Needs To Be At Least 8 Days Long

, November 11, 2017
Everyone loves a good vacation. And now, science has pinpointed the ideal length of time you need to be away to reap its full benefits.

6 Tips On Becoming An Earth-Friendly Traveller

, November 11, 2017
You don’t need to quit travelling in order to be more environmentally conscious, here are a few ways you can become an earth-friendly traveller.

How To Prepare For Natural Disasters In Asia

, November 10, 2017
If you ever get stuck in a natural disaster situation whilst on your travels, here's the low-down...

How To Enjoy Tokyo As An Introvert

, November 8, 2017
I had my fears and concerns before arriving in Tokyo, but they surprisingly vanished in the face of its reality.

Should You Worry About Bali’s Volcanoes?

, November 8, 2017
On the fence about either booking a trip or cancelling one going to or from Bali in wake of the volcano warnings?

5 Reasons Why Women Should Go Trekking

, November 2, 2017
Founder of the first women-only trekking club in Singapore, Hazleen, gives us her top five reasons why a mountain walk or trek is for everyone.

5 Movies That’ll Make You Want To Fly to South Korea Now!

, October 30, 2017
From reel to real life, South Korea has so much to offer. Watch these five films and you’ll want to book a flight to Seoul right away!

How To Backpack Through Southeast Asia for Just RM499

, October 28, 2017
Excuse us, we’re going to go pack our bags now.

Travellers Beware: New Hotel Scam To Be Mindful Of

, October 26, 2017
While we’re not entirely sure as to the legitimacy of this scam, or how many people it has affected, the way it works is entirely feasible!

Singapore Claims Top Spot As World’s Most Powerful Passport

, October 26, 2017
Singapore is now the world's most powerful passport, while US papers drop in popularity.

ZafigoX – How I Stumbled On A New Way To Empower Women

, October 25, 2017
Not only do women want information on how to travel safely, smoothly and smartly, but they also want to share their stories and form a community of women who travel.