
10 Of The Best Resorts In Kerala, India If You Want To Stay Close To Nature

, January 17, 2020
Plot a route around Kerala, India and consider these 10 amazing resorts that will help you discover and experience her beauty.

5 Ways To Stay Productive While Travelling

, January 16, 2020
There’s plenty of fun to be had on your break but why go to the extremes of temporarily giving up everything from your day to day when you can do it in small doses?

The Ultimate Guide To Sustainable Business Travel

, January 16, 2020
Sustainable business travel refers to business trips that reduce vehicle usage and minimise CO2 emissions and pollution, and there are things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint.

How To Be Respectful When Visiting Bali, Indonesia

, January 15, 2020
Bali has a unique culture and many interesting religious sites to visit, but while the island is used to seeing massive amounts of tourists, there are some things you can do to ensure that you yourself are a good visitor.

How To Make An Extra RM14,000 In 2020

, January 14, 2020
Whatever your reason for wanting extra income, they say dreams become a reality when you have a goal with a plan.

Fire & Ice Holidays: The Travel Trend To Experience The Best Of Both Worlds

, January 13, 2020
Time describes it as, “Fire and ice trips – one jaunt that juxtaposes two staggeringly different climates (usually one snowy, one sunny) — offer more variety and experiences than a single trip to one destination might.”

What To Do & Not To When At A Japanese Onsen

, January 13, 2020
Known in Japanese as onsen, a visit to one of these natural sites is a huge draw for tourists and locals.

Food Tourism: How To Eat Your Way Around The World

, January 10, 2020
The rise of food tourism has helped shape numerous food destinations all over the world. Here’s how you can also eat your way across the globe.

Travel Mistakes: 10 Things Not To Do When On The Road

, January 9, 2020
Travel mishaps can be avoided. The rule of thumb when it comes to successful road trips is a well-executed plan.

8 Reasons To Be A Domestic Tourist & Explore Your Own Backyard

, January 9, 2020
There's a lot to be discovered in your own backyard. Here’s why you should consider being a local tourist and explore your hometown every once in a while.

All You Need To Know About Indonesia’s ‘Tangas’ Spa

, January 8, 2020
The Vagina Spa, also known as ratus vagina in Indonesia, is a treatment that’s been around for many generations.

Visit The Crystal Mosque On Wan Man Island, Malaysia

, January 7, 2020
On a small island just off Kuala Terengganu in northern Malaysia, stands a stunning and grand structure made of steel, glass, and crystal known as the Crystal Mosque (Masjid Kristal).