Thanks to globalisation, it’s now easier to apply for jobs anywhere in the world. This means that the number of companies interested in hiring foreigners is growing, so naturally, the competition for these positions is getting tougher.
The best way to open yourself up to new and exciting job opportunities is to work on your skillset. Of course, when it comes to working abroad, speaking at least one foreign language is essential.
Luckily, there are now many opportunities to learn new lingos. With the aid of websites and online courses such as Live Lingua, gone are the days where you’d need to spend countless hours and lots of money on classes.
The first step to conquer the international labour market is to understand which languages are the most requested by foreign employers. Here are the top five languages you can study for better job opportunities:

1. Mandarin (Chinese)
Mandarin is the official language used in China, and is also widely used in other countries like Singapore. Today, there are over 1 billion people who use Mandarin in their daily activities. China is also one of the fastest-growing economies, so its influence on the international market is strong.
If you want to learn this Chinese dialect, you must be ready to not just learn a number of different pronunciations, but also memorise a new writing system. Mandarin may be one of the most challenging languages in the world, but it can really be your way to access a good and well-paying job in several industries.

2. Arabic
Speaking of difficult-but-rewarding languages, Arabic is next on our list. With almost 300 million of native Arabic speakers, once you learn this language, you won’t be short of job offers.
This language is mostly used by business people working for financial powerhouses in Qatar, Egypt, the UAE, and other countries in the Middle East. If you’re interested in other industries, Arabic is also particularly useful for companies operating in education, government, and non-profit organisations.

3. Japanese
Already knowing Chinese may make the mission of learning Japanese a little easier to accomplish, but you can still learn the language even if you don’t know any other Asian ones. With three different alphabet systems and an ancient culture to dive into, Japanese may not be everyone’s cup of tea.
On the other hand, if you wish to work in the field of robotics or technology, then Japanese can be the ace in the hole to find your next job. Many prominent Japanese brands such as Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Toyota, and Sony are hiring international employees, and they may just be waiting for your resume.

4. Russian
You may be surprised to know how many business people speak Russian nowadays. With over 150 million native speakers and another 100 million non-native speakers, Russian is how a highly-sought language. Particularly in industries such as finance, law, oil and gas, and international business.
If you dream of working in these industries, all you have to do is to learn some Russian. Even then, you don’t need to travel to the Arctic Circle to enjoy a quick chat in this language. In fact, there are several Russian-speaking communities in Europe and even in the United States. In other words, you may never know when speaking Russian is going to come in handy.

5. French
Before English took over, French was the language dominating the financial world. Today, French is spoken in over 40 different countries. Most importantly, it’s known as the language of love (although some native Italian speakers may disagree).
Even if you’re not interested in finding your better half in Paris, you can still improve your French communication skills to look for a good job. If you’re an English or Spanish speaker, learning French may be an easier task than you think. In fact, there are many similarities between these European languages.