Since last Friday (16 July), heavy traffic has been spotted along highways, raising concerns over people trying to sneak back to their hometowns. Increased inspections at roadblocks have been enforced to ensure no interstate travel during the Hari Raya Aidiladha or Hari Raya Haji festive season.
Previously, social gatherings were allowed during Ramadhan, contributing to the ongoing spike of COVID-19 cases. With stricter rules in place, it’s hoped that people will avoid trying to get out of roadblocks by using ‘work’ reasons. Also important to note, approval letters issued by Malaysia’s International Trade and Industry Ministry (MITI) for work purposes are now void from 18 to 21 July. This is to prevent the public from abusing the privilege to return to their hometowns for Hari Raya Aidiladha.
So, fellow Malaysians, please resist the desire to visit your hometown. Stay put and safe by celebrating Hari Raya Aidiladha at home. Here’s wishing you all a safe and wonderful celebration.
Although, if your travel itch is unbearable, here’s a list of Aidiladha destinations to scratch it. Think of it as wanderlust inspiration for when we can (eventually) venture out again.
1. Turkey
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Turkey’s COVID-19 cases are showing a steady decrease. Furthermore, with a majority Muslim community, Aidiladha celebrations are significant and most looked forward to with rows of markets and bazaars open. Of course, there’s also the stunning and unique architecture of religious buildings and mosques. It’s probably the best place to visit during the festive season.
2. Singapore
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Also home to a large Muslim population and beautiful must-visit mosques, the Aidiladha celebrations in Singapore will be merry. As of 18 July, COVID-19 cases in Singapore have shown a small rise from 68 to 92. However, with Singapore’s strict health measures, the situation is under control, maintaining its status as a green list country (low risk of infection). With the ease of dining regulations, a number of Aidiladha celebrations have been planned out – such as a buffet that’ll be held by Permata Singapore.
3. Brunei
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Here’s a majority Muslim country now living a COVID-free life. On that account, to prevent the risk of imported COVID-19 cases, the country has still not reopened its borders to tourists. However, you can still visit Brunei from your couch. It’s good to know that they live freely without having to wear masks and will get to perform Aidiladha prayers at their incredible mosques.