Women & Independent Travel – The Greatest Challenges & Why We Should Do It Anyway
Moderated by Anita Ahmad
With Dr Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore, Kelly Lewis and Chrys Tan
Filmed August 2017 at ZafigoX
There was a time not too long ago where women rarely travelled on their own. But as women joined the workforce and took up jobs that required them to become mobile, they had to learn to negotiate the many challenges of being a woman on the road. Either out of necessity or curiosity, more women are overcoming these challenges simply because the rewards are too tempting. But there remain many where the fear of independent travel remains very real and limiting. Our panellists discuss the challenges of travel for women and how to beat them.
About the Moderator
Anita Ahmad, Founder of Travel & Be
Anita has spent the last 14 years working in the humanitarian and social development field and has so far travelled to 50 countries for both leisure and work. She has worked in conflict countries like Afghanistan, Iraq and Sudan despite knowing the risks. Anita travels to discover both herself and humanity through what she sees and experiences.
About the Panelists 
Dr. Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore, Women Travel Researcher
An author and international expert on women and children in tourism, Dr Catheryn shares valuable insight into the significance of travel in a woman’s life, and what it does for our mind and spirit. Catheryn has lived and worked in Malaysia, New Zealand and America but is settling for now, in an Australian bayside suburb with her husband and their three young children. Watch Catheryn’s talk where she tackles topics such as Women, Wanderlust & Wellbeing.
Kelly Lewis, Founder of Go! Girl Guides
Kelly Lewis is a frequent solo traveller who now lives her dream. As a woman who’s turned her dreams and passions into a reality, she acknowledges that along the way, the reality isn’t always so easy. Despite that, she’s a women’s travel writer, speaker, founder of Go! Girl Guides and the annual Women’s Travel Fest, and the founder of boutique women’s tour company Damesly. A world traveller who’s been to over 70 countries and counting, Kelly is most passionate about empowering women to see the world. Watch Kelly’s talk as she shares her own experiences in How I Built A Business In Travel.
Chrys Tan, Founder of Women Digital Nomads 
Two and a half years ago, Chrys decided to leave her advertising career behind to run her business online. Since then, she’s lived and worked completely location independent as a digital nomad. Besides running Women Digital Nomads, one of the most popular websites about working remotely, she also runs several niche affiliate sites and is constantly on the lookout for her next online business idea. Watch Chrys’ talk about her journey becoming a digital nomad titled In Pursuit Of Happiness – Why I Left Singapore To Become A Digital Nomad.