Amidst a world teeming with food fads and conflicting advice, it’s all too easy to feel adrift in the sea of health information. Here at Zafigo, we firmly believe in the empowerment that knowledge brings, particularly concerning our own wellbeing. Distinguishing between fact and fiction is crucial. That’s why we invited nutritionist Zhi Ling Lee to participate in our latest Chick Chat episode, delving into the realm of nutrition.

Zhi Ling, a nutritional expert celebrated for her straightforward and pragmatic approach, generously shared her insights into wholesome dietary practices and how they can significantly enhance both our health and happiness.

Here are some of the topics covered in the chat:

  • Myths about carbs, fats, and trends.
  • The pros and cons of BMI calculating.
  • Healthy and balanced eating diets.

Watch the full Chick Chat episode here:

If you have inquiries about making positive changes for your wellness and health, Zhi Ling is more than happy to assist in guiding you along the right path. Feel free to reach out to her through direct messaging on Instagram.

Stay tuned for more exciting Chick Chats, where we’ll explore interesting topics and nurture a friendly environment for self-growth and sharing knowledge!
