Finding time to prioritise our health and fitness often takes a backseat in a world filled with demands, responsibilities, and endless distractions. Despite knowing the numerous benefits of regular exercise, many of us struggle to lace up our sneakers and hit the gym or go for a run.

But what if we could dismantle these excuses and reclaim our commitment to fitness? Let’s explore the most common justifications for skipping workouts and discover effective strategies for overcoming them.

The hustle and bustle of modern life can leave us feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Between work, family obligations, and social commitments, squeezing in a workout may seem impossible. However, it’s crucial to recognise that prioritising exercise is not about finding time but rather making time.

Solution: Schedule your workouts like you would any other necessary appointment. Whether before work, during your lunch break, or after dinner, find a time that works for you and stick to it. Remember, even a quick 20-minute workout is better than nothing!


After a long day at work or a sleepless night, or even if you had intense exercise the day before, the thought of hitting the gym can be downright daunting. Fatigue becomes a convenient excuse to curl up on the couch instead of breaking a sweat. However, research consistently shows that exercise can boost energy levels and improve sleep quality.

Solution: On days when you feel drained, start small. A short walk around the block or a quick yoga session can work wonders for your energy levels.

For some, the thought of sweating it out in the gym feels more like a chore than a pleasure. Whether it’s boredom, lack of interest, or past negative experiences, finding enjoyment in physical activity can be a significant barrier.

Solution: The key is finding what excites you and makes you forget you’re working out.


Feeling unmotivated or uninspired can make the prospect of exercise feel like an insurmountable hurdle. Finding the drive to get moving can be a real challenge, whether it’s due to stress, boredom, or a lack of clear goals.

Solution: Permit yourself to take it easy when you’re not feeling 100%, but don’t let it become an excuse to skip your workout altogether. Sometimes, just showing up and going through the motions can be enough to kickstart your motivation.

Cynthia Jetan, LAC Malaysia’s Certified Nutritionist, highlights that lack of sleep or inadequate sleep can have a major negative impact on motivation and energy levels. It’s also important to be mindful of your diet. Fatigue and low energy can result from a diet lacking vital nutrients, typically caused by consuming too many processed or fast foods. LAC provides a line of multivitamins called Mega Multis that are painstakingly made to satisfy the specifications mentioned above.

So, lace up those sneakers, silence the excuses, and embark on your journey to a fitter, stronger, and happier you.

Editorial disclaimer: This article is part of a collaboration with our friends at LAC Malaysia.

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