If you’re looking to live rent-free for a year in a once-dilapidated Italian heritage home, then Airbnb has a job for you! One (lucky) person will be offered the opportunity to relocate to Sicily with their family, spouse, or friend and move into this magnificently restored house.

The three-story traditional house is located in Sambuca, a town notable for its recent 1 Euro House campaign, which made it famous. In 2019, due to a rapidly-declining population, Sambuca started the 1 Euro House campaign as a way to re-establish the village’s charm by promoting its cultural legacy, attracting foreign investment, and appealing to the younger generation.

So, on to how you can live there rent-free for a year in this 1Euro House…
In a special collaboration with Airbnb, Mayor of Sambuca di Sicilia, Leonardo Ciaccio, said this campaign not only gives a second opportunity to an abandoned history home in the heart of the community, but it also gives a second chance to the person who moves in. They are also looking for someone who wants to live among the locals and take part in all of the community’s significant events, from grape harvest to olive picking.

Candidates who are willing to host and participate in village life are ideal. For a period of one year, starting on 30 June 2022, this Sambuca residence will be occupied by a successful candidate who will keep all proceeds from Airbnb hosting.

If you’re interested in applying, just fill out the online form. Before submitting an application, make sure you read the selection criteria on the website thoroughly.
In order to apply, candidates must be at least 18 years of age, be willing and able to relocate to Sambuca for at least three months beginning on 30 June 2022, and be fluent in English (Italian a plus!). The chosen person will be able to take part in a mentorship programme that includes learning Italian and taking Italian cooking classes. Candidates must demonstrate a willingness to host one room in the house for at least nine months.

The successful participant is welcome to bring a partner, friend, or family member (maximum of two adults and two children in total).
*All images courtesy of Airbnb.