Solo Traveller
The Challenges & Perks Of Travelling As A Woman
Women face different challenges or things that may work in their favour (or not) when at different parts of the world. Here’s what to expect.The Top 5 Languages for Great Job Opportunities In 2020
The best way to open yourself up to new and exciting job opportunities is to work on your skillset. Of course, when it comes to working abroad, speaking at least one foreign language is essential.5 Ways To Connect With People & Communities When Travelling The World
Travelling to different countries and experiencing different cultures to learn about them are valuable encounters as they teach you to connect with the locals.5 Countries You Should Explore Before You Turn 40
Some people might think it's too late to enjoy new adventures two things in life have zero-age restrictions: knowledge and travel.The 10 Most Useful Languages To Know When Travelling
One important and useful thing to do before travelling to a destination is to learn a few words and phrases in the local language. According to a report done by the World Economic Forum in 2016, these are the 10 most powerful languages to know.Basic Thai For Travellers: Essential Phrases You Need To Know
For anyone considering travelling to Thailand or for those who already have their flights booked, it may be time to learn a few basic and essential Thai phrases!9 Things That Will Happen When You Start To Travel Frequently
Here’s what you'll learn about yourself when you make travelling a big part of your lifestyle.5 Ways To Stay Productive While Travelling
There’s plenty of fun to be had on your break but why go to the extremes of temporarily giving up everything from your day to day when you can do it in small doses?8 Reasons To Be A Domestic Tourist & Explore Your Own Backyard
There's a lot to be discovered in your own backyard. Here’s why you should consider being a local tourist and explore your hometown every once in a while.Letters From Latin America: Cusco, Peru
If you ever come to Cusco, Peru, don't make the same mistakes I made.5 Tips That’ll Make Your Solo Trip To Hong Kong Safe & Fun
First-time solo travellers are always sceptical to explore a new destination alone, but once you reach Hong Kong, you’ll surely have a wonderful (and safe )holiday.12 Reasons To Visit New Zealand In 2020
What better way to start planning for next year’s vacations than with these 12 amazing reasons to (finally) visit New Zealand in 2020.