Sometimes it’s difficult to communicate when we’re travelling, especially when we don’t speak the local language. How do we ask where the toilet is? How do we order chicken? How do we say we are vegetarian? How do we say “no pork” please or ask if the place is Halal? How do we say we are not feeling well? For women especially, how do we ask where we can get the personal necessities we need such as sanitary pads or tampons?
One way to do so is by using hand gestures. If that doesn’t work, we may end up having to draw what we’re asking for as pictorials may be easier to understand.
Zafigo has come up with a set of travel cards to help you communicate easier even without words. These cards can either be saved on your phone or printed out to be carried around with you when you’re travelling, and it’s completely free!
Here are a couple of examples:
The male and female stick figures are universally known symbols for male and female washrooms. By showing this card to one of the non-English speaking locals, they should be able to understand what you’re looking for and point you in the right direction hence, preventing a potentially messy situation.
Looking to dine in a restaurant but want to inquire if it is pork free/Halal first? One of these cards could come in handy. The Halal symbol is also universally recognised and if the person you’re speaking to does not speak the same language as you, it would be easier to just show them this picture instead of wasting time explaining yourself.
View our full album of travel cards on here: Zafigo Travel Cards
How to use:
Download to Mobile Phone
1. Go to Zafigo’s Facebook page (search “Zafigo” of Facebook or surf to www.facebook.com/zafigo) on your mobile phone
2. Click on photos and choose the “Zafigo Travel Cards 2015” album
3. Click on the Zafigo Travel Cards you like and choose save or download to your phone. Create an album in your phone named “Zafigo Travel Cards” and add the Zafigo Travel Cards you saved to this album
4. When you need them, just go to your phone picture album to access the cards
Download to Your Computer
1. Go to Zafigo’s Facebook page (search “Zafigo” of Facebook or surf to www.facebook.com/zafigo) on your computer
2. Click on photos and choose the “Zafigo Travel Cards 2015” album
3. Click on the Zafigo Travel Cards you like and download them to your computer, or you can download the entire collection of 72 cards in a zipped folder here –https://tinyurl.com/zafigotravelcardsfullset
4. Transfer the cards you saved or extract the zipped folder and transfer the entire folder to your phone
5. Create an album in your phone named “Zafigo Travel Cards” and add the Zafigo Travel Cards you saved to this album
6. When you need them, just go to your phone picture album to access the cards
Print and Carry
1. Download the Zafigo Travel Cards in a PDF document here – https://tinyurl.com/
2. Print out the document (print on both sides if that option is available)
3. Carry it with you when you travel, and whip it out when you need it
We hope you find these cards useful, and please leave us your comments and suggestions (e.g. if we missed anything and you would like us to add more travel cards for you) below.
Keep travelling and exploring!