Wonder what happens to the clothes you give away? The sad truth is, a lot of them end up in open-air dumps and landfills, contributing to global carbon emissions. But it’s not a completely lost cause – you can make your own positive impact to help reverse this problem (no step is too small) by giving your clothes a second life.

Upcycling clothes not only benefits the environment but also allows for creative expression. In this episode of Zafigo’s monthly IG Live series, Chick Chat, Kloth Circularity co-founders, Nik Suzy and Sarah share various upcycling tips and techniques that will inspire you to transform your old clothes into unique pieces.

Suzy and Sarah’s passion for the environment led them to start Kloth Circularity. They acknowledged the need to change consumer mindsets and educate people about the environmental impact of clothing choices.

  • Here are some of the topics we covered:
  • How Suzy and Sarah got started in the sustainable fashion industry
  • Their journey towards becoming interested in sustainable fashion and the inspiration behind starting Kloth
  • Challenges faced in promoting sustainable fashion in Malaysia
  • Benefits of upcycling clothes beyond sustainability

Watch the whole session here:

Kloth Circularity‘s Kloth Cares Fabric Recycling Movement collects fabric scraps and unwanted clothing to reduce waste and provide employment opportunities for marginalised communities. Raising awareness and encouraging more people to embrace sustainable fashion is crucial.

Read more articles:
11 Malaysian Brands That Support Social & Environmental Causes
Reduce & Reuse: 7 Places To Rehome Your Unwanted Clothes To
Old Is Gold: 12 Bundle Stores To Check Out In Malaysia
