RapidKL public transit app
The RapidKL public transit app is a helpful guide for routes, helping you estimate fares as well as know the current operational status.
Download: AppStore, Google Play Store
Malaysia Trip Planner
Tourism Malaysia’s official app lets you know good dates to visit the country and lets you save your itinerary. It is a little buggy thus is best suited for its calendar function.
Download: AppStore, Google Play Store
Eating is the Malaysian national pastime and HungryGoWhere is one of the more popular sites for food reviews. The app’s search function makes choosing where to eat in your vicinity much easier and is a godsend for vegetarians.
Download: AppStore, Google Play Store
Travel Malaysia
If you like a good bargain or are interested in local, more commercial events, this app could entice you to spend a lot more than you planned. This app makes choosing which mall and which sale to go to much easier, while also providing helpful tourist information.
Download: AppStore, Google Play Store