Author: Farzleen Fadzil Khan
Farzleen's love for poetry began when she was gifted a diary for her 12th birthday. Having spent almost 16 years in the PR/Advertising line, she has left the 9-5 world to focus more on poetry writing. With more than 40 poems in her personal collection, Farz hopes to inspire young women to go on a journey of self-discovery while expressing themselves through the power of creativity.
The 3 Phases Of Vitamin T(ravel) Deficiency
The pandemic has brought a bout of frenzy for the seasoned traveller. Should you be experiencing extreme cabin fever or some form of travel 'deficit', it can all be dealt with to a degree. It takes being cooped-up to make one see that a few adjustments can help ease these travel-starved times.Felines In Flight: How To Travel With Your Cat By Plane
Seasoned traveller, proud mother to 4 cats, and international cat show competitor Zamina shares the nitty gritty of how to travel with cats.Airsick, Baby? 7 Tried-And-Tested Ways To Overcome Motion Sickness
Dedicated to those you who feel sick and queasy on planes. The last tip really works!Travel Tales: Fly Lil Birdie, Fly…
We want your most interesting Travel Tales, from memorable adventures to heartwarming encounters, scrumptious...