Originally called the All India War Memorial, is a war memorial located astride the Rajpath, commerating the 82,000 soldiers from India that died in World War 1 (Jay Galvin/Flickr)

Ladies, while it may be tempting to have a romantic tryst while you’re in a land far away, rely on your judgment. I’d say this to you in any part of the world, and especially in India, where casual encounters are less popular than many other countries. Given how Tinder has taken over the consciousness of city singles, the double standard is surprising. Remember, it tends to usually happen in known circles or with known and trusted partners.

Also, your best travel companion will always be your intuition. The risk of offending anyone comes second to your safety and comfort.

Lastly, as a people, we are warm and hospitable (even if I say so myself!) and we love our guests. There are a million ways to enjoy the city – I hope you do!

Here are some of the city’s best festivals – we’d love for you to join!